Balamand declaration

The Balamand Declaration is a declaration made by the Joint International Commission for the Theological Dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church during its VIIth plenary session, which took place at Balamand School of Theology, Balamand, Lebanon 17-24 June 1993. It is officially called Uniatism, method of union of the past, and the present search for full communion.



The declaration deals with the concept of proselytism by the Roman Catholic Church on territories of the Orthodox Churches in the East. It is a break with traditional Roman Catholic teachings and practising on this subject.

The Balamand declaration was not the last of its kind, as the 2007 Ravenna declaration discussed the topic of primacy and had the majority of Eastern bishops agree that the Pope was indeed the lead bishop or protos.


The following delegates participated:

From the Eastern Orthodox Churches

The following Eastern Orthodox Churches participated:

The Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the Patriarchate of Peć, the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, Patriarchate of All Georgia, the Patriarchate of Athens and Patriarchate of Czech and Slovak lands were not represented.

From the Roman Catholic Church

See also

External links

The text

Discussion of the Balamand Statement
